Did you know heart attacks that are caused by stress is a called Takotsubo syndrome? This unusual type of heart attack does not involve rupturing plaques or blocked blood vessels. Japanese doctors, who were the first to describe this condition, named it "takotsubo" because during this condition, the heart takes on a distinctive shape that resembles a Japanese pot used to trap an octopus. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy was commonly believed to be caused by sudden emotional stress, such as the death of a child, and to be far less harmful than a typical heart attack. For that reason, some had also labeled this condition "broken-heart syndrome."
As per the current life style stress creates opportunity to make bad choices:
Unhealthy eating
No exercise
Lazing out
Avoid sun
Avoid fun
Simple ways to focus and improve Heart health is by including more anti-inflammatory food which has highest ORAC score (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) like
Curcumin root (turmeric)
Arugula (telugu bachala aaku) or alternatively garden rocket, rucola, roquette, and colewort.
Simple ways to bring in lifestyle balance
Gardening or forest bathing
Cold showers
Practice breathing technique